Fax troubleshooting

What can I do if my fax fails?

FaxExtension will move failed faxes into the “Failed” folder. When opening a failed fax, the reason it failed will be displayed on the screen above the fax’s content. Steps to troubleshoot a failed fax vary depending on the cause of the failure. Possible causes and corresponding troubleshooting steps are listed here.

The recipient’s fax number was busy

FaxExtension cannot send a fax to a busy fax number. FaxExtension will perform several retries when a busy fax number is detected, but some fax numbers may be busy for a more extended period, and the fax may fail. When that happens, we recommend contacting the recipient and verifying the best time to send the fax to them. At the appropriate time, we recommend that you try sending your fax again.

The recipient did not answer our calls

The recipient’s fax machine needs to answer calls for successful fax delivery. Some recipients receive faxes during specific office hours only. Some may be experiencing temporary technical issues. In any case, we recommend that you contact the recipient and let them know their fax machine isn’t answering calls. They might be able to provide you with an alternative fax number or suggest a better time to send the fax.

No fax machine was detected on the recipient’s end

With FaxExtension, you can send faxes to fax numbers automatically answered by a fax machine shortly after the recipient answers the call. Sending a fax to automated voice systems or phone numbers answered by a person will fail. We can only deliver a fax if a fax machine answers the call. If the fax fails with the “No fax machine was detected on the recipient’s end” reason, we recommend contacting the recipient. They might be able to provide you with a direct fax number.

Recipient dropped the call prematurely

Prematurely dropped fax calls are usually caused by a temporary noise on the phone lines. If a fax has failed because the phone line between the recipient and us got disconnected prematurely, we recommend you try to send the fax again later.

Recipient’s fax number or extension is not valid

When a fax fails due to an invalid recipient’s fax number or extension, we recommend contacting the recipient and double-checking their fax number and extension. Once you can confirm the correct fax number and extension, you can try sending the fax again.

We could not establish a reliable fax communication with the recipient

If FaxExtension detects too many communication errors while sending a fax or if the recipient’s fax machine stops responding, we will stop sending the fax and mark it as failed. In such case, we recommend contacting the recipient and letting them know that you are having issues sending a fax to them. They might be experiencing technical issues. The best course of action is to ask the recipient for an alternative fax number. Once the recipient provides you with the alternative fax number, you can try sending your fax again.

We could not prepare fax for sending

FaxExtension will prepare your fax for sending before calling the recipient and starting the sending process. If the preparation fails for any reason, we recommend that you try to send your fax again. If the problem persists, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@faxextension.com.

We could not contact the recipient’s fax machine

We might be unable to contact the recipient’s fax machine for a few reasons. Usually, they are associated with intermittent issues in the telephone network that prevent us from calling the recipient’s fax number. If that happens, we recommend that you try to send your fax again. If the problem persists, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@faxextension.com.

Need help?

Do not hesitate to contact us at support@faxextension.com.